West Virginia

Department of Health, Department of Health Facilities, and Department of Human Services

Department of Health
Department of Health Facilities
Department of Human Services

Online Services


Adopt/Foster a West Virginia Child - Build a family and provide a permanent home for a WV child...more

Apply for Child Support Services
 - Services to help secure support from the parent of a child...more 

Apply for Healthcare Coverage
 - Outside the yearly Open Enrollment Period, you can get or change coverage if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period or for Medicaid or CHIP...more

Become an Adult Care Provider 
- Inquire about becoming an Adult Family Care provider...more

Child Welfare Information Gateway - Connect, share, promote foser care...more.


Immunization Registry (WVSIIS) - Allows all individuals to have current immunizations shots...more 

Order a Birth or Death Certificate
 - Certificates of vital events such as birth, marriage, death...more

Prevent Child Abuse 
- Tip sheets, guides, websites, articles, prevention programs...more

Report Child or Adult Abuse or Neglect - Report child or adult abuse, fraud...more

Report Recipient Welfare Fraud - Benefit violations, overpaid funds, misrepresentation...more

Report Healthcare Crimes - Medicaid provider fraud, crimes, neglect or abuse against elderly...more

Search for Child Care Centers
 - Filter, view or choose all centers...more 

Search for Income Maintenance Manual 
- Browse current and archived manuals for changes...more

Uniform Forensic Court Order Documents 
- Forms to download and complete or submit online...more  

anage applications, reviews, benefits, and services for DoHS assistance programs.


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