How do I become an adoptive or foster parent?
1-Register as an adoptive/foster parent 
Complete the Adoptive/Foster Parent Inquiry Form online or contact Mission WV toll free at 866-CALL-MWV (225-5698).
To make updates to your information click here
2- Attend a pre-service orientation
This training discusses the responsibilities and details of becoming an adoptive or foster parent.
3- Complete a home study
The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (WVDHHR) provides home studies for those families who plan to adopt a child who is in foster care in West Virginia. Those who are planning to adopt privately or internationally must contract with a private adoption agency to obtain a home study.
A home study is a family assessment. A social worker will interview everyone in the household. References are contacted and medical reports are reviewed. A criminal investigation and a protective services background check are both performed on all adults in the home. A social worker also discusses with perspective parents the type of child that would be the best possible match for their family. All information gathered during the assessment is kept confidential.
4-Notification of approval
After completion of the assessment the family will be notified whether their home has been approved for adoptive or foster children. After approval the information will remain in the West Virginia Adoption Resource Network Family Register for six months.
How do I become a special needs provider?
A Specialized Family Care home is a specially recruited and trained family that provides training, nurturing, and a family atomosphere for anyone with a developmental disability. A host family provides special services under a contract with a placement agency. The home is a place where the individual can grow and develop to his or her maximum potential mentally, physically, emotionally and socially. In many instances, the Specialized Family Care home becomes the person's permanent home.
To learn more click here
If interested in becoming a Special Needs Family Care home, please complete the Special Needs Provider Application
Federal Adoption Tax Credit
To learn more about the adoption tax credit and how it might benefit your family, visit the following resources:
Need more information?
Visit or #nationaladoptionday
View frequently asked questions about adoption, kinship care, foster parents
View the Adoption policy
View the Foster Care policy
View the Relative Letter
How do I express interest in a specific child?
The Bureau for Children and Families maintains a photo listing of children waiting for forever families. Unfortunately, it also makes our children vulnerable to negative intrusions into their lives. Please help us to protect them. Our West Virginia children live in our communities. If you recognize any of these children or see them in our community, please respect their privacy.
I would like to BROWSE children available for adoption
I would like to SEARCH for children with using certain preferences
For questions or concerns contact:
Bureau for Children and Families
Office of Social Services
350 Capitol Street, Room 691
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone: (304) 352-4429