West Virginia

Department of Health, Department of Health Facilities, and Department of Human Services

Department of Health
Department of Health Facilities
Department of Human Services

Hopemont Hospital

Hopmont Hospital.jpg
Hopemont Hospital provides services to geriatric residents of West Virginia requiring long-term care and behavioral interventions to maximize their functioning ability and independence, enabling them to become successful and satisfied in their environment. 

Hopemont Hospital is a 98-bed licensed Medicaid certified long-term care facility in Terra Alta, WV. The original building was developed to care for the state's citizens with tuberculosis. It has operated as a Medicaid certified long-term nursing facility since 1987. 

Hopemont's talented and behaviorally trained staff make it possible to accept for care and treatment, persons with behavioral disabilities and those whom the private nursing facilities are unable to serve and treat. 

Due to the combined efforts of a professional and caring staff, Hopemont's programs enable some residents to return to family or independent living. 

Hopemont Hospital is an equal opportunity employer and does not deny services to any persons on the basis of race, sex, national origin, color, age handicap, or ability to pay. 

IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY: Hopemont Hospital recognizes the need for interaction and communication between its clients and their families or representatives in a time of local, state and/or national emergencies. In the event of a known emergency, family members or authorized representatives may call: (304) 789-2411.

Facility Address          
Hopemont Hospital              
150 Hopemont Drive
Terra Alta, WV 26764

Phone: 304-789-2411
Fax: 304-789-2233

Career Opportunities
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Due to recent legislation, positions filled for the West Virginia Department of Health Facilities and West Virginia Department of Human Services' Bureau for Social Services beginning January 1, 2024, are no longer covered by the West Virginia Division of Personnel.  These positions are now covered under the Office of Shared Administration classification and compensation system. All job postings for the Department of Health Facilities and Bureau for Social Services can temporarily be found here. You may apply for any jobs that interest you by filling out this application form​ or by submitting your resume/CV to OHRMOSAClassComp@wv.gov​.​​

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