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TBIW Member and Provider Information

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ADW/TBIW/​​PC Pro​​​v​​id​​​e​​​r​​ ​​​F​​AQs

Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Alerts​

Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) Information
EVV Memo
National Provider Identifier (NPI) Enrollment Instructions
NPI Quick Reference Guide
NPI Electronic File Interchange Summary

West Virginia Incident Management System (WV IMS) 
For questions and assistance, please email wvims@acentra.com
For training videos, job aids and the Quick Reference Guide Incident Guide, please click here.
For IMS freque​ntly asked questions, please click here. ​

TBIW Agency Providers:
TBIW Provid​er ​Ref​​er​en​​​​ce​ ​G​uide
How to Apply and become a TBIW Provider Agency
TBIW Provider Certifica​tion Application
TBIW Provider Certification Application Instructions
Morpho Trust Enrollment Centers
WV Clearance for Access: Registry & ​Employment Screening (WV CARES​)

TBIW Training:
Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) Presentation
July 13, 2023 Policy Manu​al Training 
West Virginia Statewide Transition Plan Training for Case Manager​/Personal Attendant
Case Manager's Person-​Centered Training Webinars
Case Manager Approved Internet Providers
Personal Attendant Person-Centered Training Information
Skill Builder CrossW​alk ​​​
Personal Attend​​​ant Staff Trainings
TBI Children/Website Trainings

TBIW Approved CPR and First Aid Providers
​Currently the following providers are approved and require no advance request for approval.
For CPR/First Aid:
1. *American Heart Association – www.heart.org
2. *American Red Cross – www.redcross.org
3. *American Health & Safety Institute – www.hsi.com
4. American CPR – www.americancpr.com
5. National Safety Council – www.nsc.org
6. *Emergency Care & Safety Institute – www.ecsinstitute.org​
7. *EMS Safety Services – www.emssafetyservices.com
8. ProTrainings – www.protrainings.com
*Approved provider for CPR and First Aid
**Note: the training must be conducted by a certified trainer and include the successful hands-on skills
***Certification card or copy of card must be located in employee file, technical assistance being provided this review
period for new requirement. All employees must have certification card on file by August 2019.

TBIW Provider Training

Fall 2023 Joint Home and Community-Based Services ​Training - Camp Dawson​
April 1, 2020 TBIW Policy Manual Training
April 1, 2020 TBIW Policy Manual Training Q&A
TBIW Quarterly Provider Meeting PowerPoint January 2019
TBIW Suicide and Prevention PowerPoint January 2019
Bureau for Medical Services Provider Update PowerPoint January 2019

TBIW Member/Family Training:

How to Report Abuse/Neglect Brochure
Guardianship Fact Sheet
TBIW Handbook
TBIW CM-RC-RN Role Responsibility Information
Self-Direction of your Service Information (PALCO)​
TBIW Personal Options Employer Guide
Accessing Medicaid State Plan Services
