Department of Human Services WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services

Home and Community-Based Programs

​​​​​An elderly woman and a care giver looking at a pill bottle
Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) Alert!
CMS Approval of WV 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services Waivers Emergency Preparedness and Response Appendix K

Appendix K Applications:
WV 133 Appendix K
WV 134 Appendix K
WV 0876 Appendix K
WV 1646 Appendix K

Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) focuses on providing quality Medicaid funded services to eligible individuals in their homes and communities. HCBS is working to create a sustainable, person-driven long-term support system for people with  disabilities, the elderly and people with chronic conditions so they have outcomes, such as  independence, health and quality of life. HCBS endeavors to ensure a service delivery system that promotes opportunities for people:

  • ​To receive quality services that respect personal dignity and choice;
  • To decide where and with whom they live;
  • To have control over the services they receive and who provides those services;
  • To work and earn money, and to include friends and supports to help them participate in community life.

The Office of HCBS is responsible for developing, implementing and managing the State’s medical assistance coverage and utilization policies for the following programs:

For more information regarding the Office of Home and Community-Based Services, please contact Randall Hill, Director at (304) 352-4301 or email​

The other HCBS service the Bureau for Medical Services offers is the Take Me Home, WV a Money Follows the Person Demonstration Grant initiative which consists of two parts:

  • A transition program to identify Medicaid members living in long-term care facilities who wish to live in the community and help them do so, and;
  • A rebalancing program through which states make system-wide changes that provide Medicaid members with long-term care needs the opportunity to live and receive services in their own homes and communities.

For more information on the Take Me Home, WV initiative, contact:
Marcus Canaday at 304-356-4926​ or 1-855-519-75​57​

Guide to Home Remodeling for Disability and Special Needs (Please note this information is provided by an outside resource and is provided by the Bureau for Medical Services as resource to our members.)

Fingerprint Facilities
Morpho Trust has changed the address for cardscans.  Memo regarding Cardscans
