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Electronic Death Registration System

​​​​​​​​​​​WV DAVE Electronic Death Registration System (EDRS) Information

Please see the following pages for specific help topics

For Medical Users and Medical Certifiers please click here: 

For Funeral Home users and Funeral Directors please click here: 

To ease the transition of death registration to an electronic system, WV DAVE was phased in beginning on January 1, 2022, with full transition on March 1, 2022. During this 60-day grace period, the HSC supported both the new electronic death registration system as well as the paper process that was previously in place. 
Paper death certificates received at HSC will be returned to the sender after March 1, 2022 as described in this memo.

Please note: Providers should continue to report all deaths associated with COVID-19 to their local health department.

If you have not completed the New User Enrollment in WV DAVE, please do so on the WV DAVE site. This is the site where you will also log in and enter information.

There are two additional changes to be aware of at the request of the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME):
(1) All death registration involving an OCME case should begin with the OCME. They will be working all of their cases from start to finish in WV DAVE in conjunction with the funeral homes.
(2) The workflow for the current cremation authorization request is detailed in this memo from the OCME.


  • ​​Please note fee change effective July 1, 2023. Click here for a copy of the fee change memo​​.​
  • Beginning September 13,2022, all out-of-facility death cases will be started by the OCME. They will enter the pronouncement information and request medical certification from the appropriate medical provider.
  • ​Effective July 1, 2022, all Automated Clearing House (ACH) electronic check payments that are returned will be charged an additional $15 fee. Please be careful to enter the correct routing and account numbers and use accounts that are not closed or frozen. 
  • Effective June 7, 2022, a payment must be made for a Cremation Permit before it can be printed. This can be done once the case is registered following the same process as ordering certified copies. When you add a service, select Cremation Permit. 
  • Please be advised that online orders using a credit/debit card will incur a service fee of 2.25% of the total amount charged. This is collected by the State Treasurer's Office to cover the credit/debit card processing fees. You may make an ACH payment at no additional cost by selecting the check option on the payment page. Mail orders are also still available but due to delivery times, these orders take 1-2 weeks to receive.
  • ​Paper death certificate resupply requests:  HSC is no longer fulfilling paper death certificate resupply orders. The paper stock that we have on hand is being held for emergency purposes only, such as prolonged system outages.​

Known Issues

​If you need assistance, please call t​he WV DAVE Help Desk at 304-558-2931 Option 6, 8:30 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET Monday – Friday excluding state holidays.
For more information on the WV DAVE system, email​.
