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Drug Overdose Mortality



The 2021 statistics are preliminary and should not be considered the final number of deaths for 2021 due to delayed reporting of death information.  Additionally, 2019 and 2020 statistics may change slightly. These data are not real-time. Death certificates are subject to review to determine whether a drug overdose was the underlying cause of death. The figures in the tables and charts are from an analysis comp​leted by the Health Statistics Center in September 2022.  Most drug overdose deaths involve multiple substances (polypharmacy) and multiple substances can be present at the time of death. Therefore, overdose deaths presented as related to a specific drug are not mutually exclusive from counts of other drug-related overdose deaths. For example, a death that is counted as heroin-related may also be fentanyl-related.​​

Current West Virginia drug overdose deaths by county and drug can be 
downloa​ded here​​​​​​​

West Virginia Occurrence Statistics

Drug Overdose Deaths Occurring in WV, 2017-2021​

​Increases in drug overdose deaths are no longer driven by prescription opioids such as hydrocodone and oxycodone. Fentanyl and fentanyl analogues were involved in 76% of all drug overdose deaths occurring in West Virginia in 2021, up from 58% in 2017. The proportion of drug overdose deaths involving heroin has declined over the 5-year period, accounting for only 3% of drug overdose deaths in 2021 as compared to 26.3% in 2017. Methamphetamine-related deaths have increased substantially, accounting for 52.2% of drug overdose deaths in 2021 as compared to 22.8% in 2017.  As can be seen below, hydrocodone and oxycodone related deaths have decreased over the past 5 years.

Drug Overdose Deaths Occurring in WV by Major Drugs Involved in Death, 2017-2021

A high percentage of drug overdose deaths that occur in West Virginia include at least one opioid as contributing to the death.  The following graphs represent opioid-related drug overdose deaths that have occurred in West Virginia.

Opioid-Related Drug Overdose Deaths Occurring in WV, 2017-2021

Opioid-Related Drug Overdose Deaths Occurring in WV by Drug Class and Name, 2017-2021

Drug overdose deaths involving stimulants and/or benzodiazepines are also found to occur in West Virginia.  The following graphs represent stimulant-related drug overdose deaths and benzodiazepine-related drug overdose deaths that have occurred in West Virginia.

​Stimulant-Related Drug Overdose Deaths Occurring in WV, 2017-2021

​ ​​Benzodiazepine-Related Drug Overdose Deaths Occurring in WV, 2017-2021

West Virginia Resident Statistics

The previous section included statistics for drug overdose deaths that occurred in West Virginia.  The following statistics cover drug overdose deaths for residents of WV.  Resident statistics include West Virignia residents who died either in West Virginia or in another state or country.

Comparison of West Virginia and U.S. Age-Adjusted Drug Overdose Mortality Rates, 2017-2021
Age Adjusted Rate per 100,000

Drug Overdose Deaths Among WV Residents, 2017-2021​

Similar patterns can be seen for West Virginia resident statistics as those seen for occurring in West Virginia.  ​Increases in drug overdose deaths are no longer driven by prescription opioids such as hydrocodone and oxycodone. Fentanyl and fentanyl analogues and methamphetamine related deaths have increased while heroin deaths have decreased over the past 5 years.

Drug Overdose Deaths Among WV Residents by Major Drugs Involved in Death, 2017-2021

A high percentage of drug overdose deaths among West Virginia residents include at least one opioid as contributing to the death.  The following graphs represent opioid-related drug overdose deaths that have occurred among West Virginia residents.

Opioid-Related Drug Overdose Deaths Among WV Residents, 2017-2021

Opioid-Related Drug Overdose Deaths Among WV Residents by Drug Class and Name, 2017-2021

​Drug overdose deaths involving stimulants and/or benzodiazepines are also found to occur among West Virginia residents.  The following graphs represent stimulant-related drug overdose deaths and benzodiazepine-related drug overdose deaths that have occurred among West Virginia residents.

​Stimulant-Related Drug Overdose Deaths Among WV Residents, 2017-2021

​ ​​Benzodiazepine-Related Drug Overdose Deaths Among WV Residents, 2017-2021