Burial Assistance
The burial assistance program assists with payment up to $1000 toward the cost of funeral expenses for an indigent adult or child. The program benefits are determined by the burial rate and, when applicable, the amount which exceeds the maximum allowable.
Additional information can be found in the 2021 Funeral Director's Handbook
Disaster Programs
When a disaster is declared you must first complete a FEMA application by calling 1-800-621-FEMA
(3362) or by going online here.
After contacting FEMA, you can call 1-866-982-4685
for information regarding programs administered by the State of West Virginia and the Department of Health and Human Resources.
West Virginia Other Needs Assistance Program (ONA)
Money is awarded for necessary expenses and serious needs caused by the disaster. This includes medical, dental, funeral, personal property, transportation, moving and storage, and other expenses that are authorized by law. To receive money for other needs other than housing that are the result of a disaster, you must have accepted assistance from all other sources for which you are eligible such as insurance proceeds or Small Business Administration (SBA).
Emergency Assistance
The Emergency Assistance Program is used to assist individuals and families in meeting financial crises when they are without available resources. The program is designed to provide short-term emergency financial assistance with which eligible individuals and families may obtain items or services needed to eliminate an emergency or crisis. Items of need include rent utilities food, household supplies, clothing, transportation and medical service. Assistance is limited to one 30 consecutive day period during any 12 consecutive months.
Refugee Resettlement
Refugee cash, medical, and social/employment services are provided to qualifying individual and families that are refugees. The cash assistance and medical coverage are similar to WV WORKS and Medicaid. Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) provides a grant to purchase Refugee Social Services through a contract with the West Virginia Office of Migration and Refugee Services, part of Catholic Community Charities.
Applicants for WV WORKS, Medicaid and SNAP must declare whether they are U.S. Citizens. If they are aliens, Department of Family Assistance seeks verification of their lawful status from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS). The INS inquiries are handled centrally by the Bureau for Children and Families, Office of Children and Family Policy, Division of Family Assistance.
The Repatriation program provides temporary assistance to United States Citizens and their dependents who are returned to the US from a foreign country by the Department of State because of an emergency/crisis and other resources are not available to the citizen(s). This program is administered through the cooperation of the appropriate Federal Office, OFS and the DHHR County Office of the repatriates county of residence to provide needed arrangement, services and financial assistance.
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT)
NEMT reimburses recipients of Medicaid and the Children with Special Health Care Needs programs for the cost of transportation associated with receiving medical services. Payments are made to the client or transportation providers and can include meals, lodging and turnpike tolls when required. For assistance call 1-844-549-8353
Note: Beginning October 1, 2014 NEMT administration will be the responsibility of the Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) contracted NEMT broker. The broker will be responsible for full administration of the program including customer services, transportation provider enrollment, transportation provider payment, safety requirements, and monitoring for fraud or abuse.