West Virginia

Department of Health, Department of Health Facilities, and Department of Human Services

Department of Health
Department of Health Facilities
Department of Human Services

COVID-19 Daily Update 11-25-2020


The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) reports as of 10:00 a.m., November 25, 2020, there have been 1,063,597 total confirmatory laboratory results received for COVID-19, with 43,050 total cases and 695 deaths.

DHHR has confirmed the deaths of an 84-year old female from Cabell County, a 97-year old female from Mineral County, a 73-year old male from Mineral County, an 84-year old female from Harrison County, an 80-year old female from Mineral County, a 68-year old male from Marshall County, a 76-year old male from Marshall County, a 95-year old male from Marshall County, an 86-year old female from Marshall County, an 83-year old male from Marshall County, a 94-year old female from Marshall County, a 93-year old female from Marshall County, and an 80-year old male from Cabell County.


“Protecting the health, safety and well-being of every West Virginian is our ultimate goal,” said Bill J. Crouch, DHHR Cabinet Secretary. “In these days of sadness, we must find the strength to support our friends and neighbors while continuing to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by practicing safety measures we know work: wearing masks, washing hands, keeping a safe physical distance from others, utilizing free COVID-19 testing, and when possible, staying home.”

CASES PER COUNTY: Barbour (375), Berkeley (2,874), Boone (603), Braxton (104), Brooke (587), Cabell (2,695), Calhoun (63), Clay (107), Doddridge (112), Fayette (1,076), Gilmer (196), Grant (310), Greenbrier (414), Hampshire (295), Hancock (591), Hardy (227), Harrison (1,200), Jackson (680), Jefferson (1,233), Kanawha (5,400), Lewis (228), Lincoln (401), Logan (1,015), Marion (776), Marshall (1,080), Mason (383), McDowell (600), Mercer (1,264), Mineral (1,084), Mingo (947), Monongalia (3,143), Monroe (352), Morgan (245), Nicholas (315), Ohio (1,403), Pendleton (101), Pleasants (84), Pocahontas (115), Preston (505), Putnam (1,776), Raleigh (1,465), Randolph (660), Ritchie (139), Roane (158), Summers (260), Taylor (290), Tucker (117), Tyler (132), Upshur (462), Wayne (949), Webster (54), Wetzel (381), Wirt (94), Wood (2,281), Wyoming (649).

Please note that delays may be experienced with the reporting of information from the local health department to DHHR. As case surveillance continues at the local health department level, it may reveal that those tested in a certain county may not be a resident of that county, or even the state as an individual in question may have crossed the state border to be tested. Such is the case of Doddridge County in this report.


Please visit the dashboard located at www.coronavirus.wv.gov for more information.


Free COVID-19 testing is available today in Barbour, Cabell, Lincoln, Logan, Marshall, Ohio, Taylor, Wayne, and Wood counties.

Barbour County

  • 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Myers Clinic, 3 Health Care Drive, Philippi, WV

  • 12:00 PM – 4:00 PM, Belington Clinic, 56 N. Brandenburg Street, Belington, WV

Cabell County

  • 9:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Cabell-Huntington Health Department, 703 Seventh Avenue, Huntington, WV

Lincoln County

  • 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Lincoln County Health Department, 8008 Court Avenue, Hamlin, WV

  • 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Lincoln Plaza, Food Fair, West Hamlin, WV

Logan County

  • 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Old 84 Lumber Building, 100 Recovery Road, Peach Creek, WV

Marshall County

  • 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Marshall County Health Department, 513 6th Street, Moundsville, WV

Ohio County

  • 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Valley Grove Volunteer Fire Department, 355 Fire House Lane, Valley Grove, WV

  • 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Warwood Fire Station 9, 1301 Richland Avenue, Wheeling, WV

  • 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, Wheeling Island Fire Department Station 5, 11 North Wabash Street, Wheeling, WV

Taylor County

  • 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM, First Baptist Church of Grafton, 2034 Webster Pike US Route 119 South, Grafton, WV

Wayne County

  • 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Wayne County Health Department, 217 Kenova Avenue, Wayne, WV

Wood County

  • 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, Parkersburg High School, 2101 Dudley Avenue, Parkersburg, WV (pre-registration: www.ipsumcovidresults.com)


Please visit https://dhhr.wv.gov/COVID-19/pages/testing.aspx for more testing locations including the new locator map. New sites are added daily.

Contact Information

Media contact: DHHRCommunications@wv.gov
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