The COVID-19 Data
Review Panel, responsible for verifying the data utilized in the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE)
School Alert System: Saturday Education Map, today reviewed data from a
public health perspective to determine the accuracy and reliability of the data
to ensure they are a true indication of what’s occurring among counties across
West Virginia.
As a result of today’s review, the panel
has taken the following actions on the WVDE School Alert
System: Saturday Education Map:
Taylor County: Moved from gold to green as the percent positivity
is less than 3% over a 14-day average. Taylor County was assessed with a 14-day
average rather than a 7-day average due to the number of total cases in the
7-day average being below 20.
Wyoming County: Moved from gold to yellow as the percent
positivity is less than 4% over a 14-day average. Wyoming County was assessed
with a 14-day average rather than a 7-day average due to the number of total
cases in the 7-day average being below 20.
Brooke County: Moved from yellow to green using the percent
positivity rate due to data validation and update to county of residence.
The data contributing toward the WVDE School Alert
System: Saturday Education Map is based on data
from the DHHR’s County Alert Map as of 11:59 p.m. Thursday, October 1, 2020.
This cut off time is used to give time to verify the accuracy and completeness
of all data to be utilized in the WVDE School Alert
System: Saturday Education Map.
To review the WVDE School Alert System: Saturday Education Map, visit For more
information, please visit
The COVID-19 dashboard is located at
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