2025SPA 25-0001 and 0002 Regarding Juvenile as Required by Section 5121 of the Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2023 (CAA 23)2024SPA 24-0001 Certified Community Behavioral Health ClinicsSPA 24-0002 Residential and Specialized Intensive TreatmentSPA 24-0002 and 24-0002A Adult Dental ServicesSPA 24-004 Nursing FacilitiesSPA 24-0005 Residential and Specialized Intensive TreatmentSPA 24-0015 COVID-19 Coverage
2022SPA 22-0003 Drug-Free Moms and BabiesSPA 22-0009 Personal Care ServicesSPA 22-0010 Behavioral Health ServicesSPA 22-0011 Targeted Case ManagementSPA 22-011 Home and Community Based ServicesSPA 22-012 Prescription RefillsSPA 22-0013 Community-Based Mobile Crisis Intervention ServicesSPA 22-0016 Rescissions to the State's Disaster Relief Policies for COVID-19 National Emergency: Nursing Home Rate IncreaseSPA 22-0018 Inpatient Hospitals Days Awaiting PlacementSPA 22-022 Ambulance Service Rates