Department of Human Services WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services

Bureau for Medical Services Publications

​​​​​​​​​​​​Guide to Medicaid 2​0​24, Effective April 1, 2024 - Provides applicants and members with general information regarding Medicaid services and Programs.
Medicaid 101 Substance Use Disorder Waiver - Provides an overview of Substance Use Disorders Waiver program and services.
Medicaid 101 : 2021 E​dition - Provides an overview of the West Virginia Medicaid program.
Medicaid 101: 2020 Edition - Provides an overview of the West Virginia Medicaid program.
Medicai​d 101 - Specialized Managed Care for Children and Youth Waiver​
Medicaid 101 - Provides an overview of the West Virginia Medicaid program.
Guide to Medica​id 2022, Effective April 1, 2022 - Provides applicants and members with general information regarding Medicaid services and Programs.
Data Analytics and Decis​ion Support (DADS) County Profiles - The West Virginia University Health Affairs Institute​'s ​Analysis of Medicaid enrollment for each of West Virginia’s 55 counties,

West Virginia University Health Affairs Institute Peer Review and Research
Association of Polysubstance Use Disorder with Treatment Quality Among Medicaid Beneficiaries with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
Design, Implementation and Evolution of the Medicaid Outcomes Distributed Research Network (MODRN)
Duration of Medication Treatment for OUD and Risk of Overdose Among Medicaid​ Enrollees in 11 States: A Retrospective Cohort Study
Follow-Up After ED Visits for OUD: Do They Reduce Future Overdoses?
Healthcare Patterns of Pregnant Women and Children Affected by OUD in 9-State Medicaid Populations
Innovative Solutions for State Medicaid Programs to Leverage Their Data, Build Their Analytic Capacity and Create Evidence-Based Policy
Outpatient Follow-Up and Use of Medications for OUD After Residential Treatment Among Medicaid Enrollees in 10 States
Postpartum Follow-Up Care for Pregnant Persons with OUD and Hepatitis C Virus Infection
Prevalence of Testing for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis C Virus Among Medicaid Enrollees Treated with Medications for OUD in 11 States, 2016-2019
Use of Medications for Treatment of OUD Among US Medicaid Enrollees in 11 States, 2014-2018

West Virginia University Health Affairs Institute​ COVID-19 Briefs
Behavioral Health During COVID-19
Emergency Transportation During COVID-19
Home and Community-Based Services During COVID​-19
Long-Term C​are Services ​During COVID-19
Pharmacy Servic​es During COVID-19
Telehealth During ​COVI​D-19

Work Groups
Nursing Home Rate Project
Senate B​​ill 419 Advisory Committee​​


West Virginia Medicaid General Information and Programs

Abuse Reporting - Provides guidelines on how to report abuse, neglect and exploitation of members in the Aged and Disabled Waiver and Personal Care program.
Children with Disabilities Community Service Program (CDCSP) - Provides general and  eligibility information for those who may qualify for this program.
Medicaid Expansion - Provides eligibility information for those who may qualify for Medicaid Expansion.
Medicaid What Now - Basic information for new Medicaid members.
Medicaid Work Incentiv​​e Network (M-WIN) - An overview on insurance on options for working individuals with disablities. 
Personal Care Program - A brief description of the types of services available in the Medicaid Personal Care Program
Have Medicare? You May also Qualify for Medicaid - a brief description of programs which provides assistance to individuals with Medicare
Take Me Home Transi​tion Program - A brief description of the Take Me Home, WV- Money Follows the Person initiative
WV CARES (WV Clearance for Access, Registry and Employment Screening) - Information regarding the National Background Check Program
WV Health Homes General Information - Provides general information about the Health Homes Program
WV Bipolar Health Home -  A brief description of the statewide bipolar health home program. 
WV Diabetic Health Home - A brief description of the new pilot  health home program​​

​Waiver Programs
Home and Community-Ba​sed Services Rate​ Setting Brief
West Virginia Legislature Brief:Home and Communty-Based Services Rates 
IDDW ADW TBIW​ Ra​te Report
Aged and Disabled Waiver Program (ADW) - A brief description of the services and eligibility information for the ADW program
Children with Ser​ious Emotional Disorder Waiver (CSEDW)  - Provides a brief description of services and eligibility information for the CSEDW program.
Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities Waiver (IDDW)  - A brief description of the services and eligibility information regarding the IDDW Program
Traumatic Brain Injury Waiver Program (TBIW) - A brief description of the Medicaid TBI Waiver Program.

​​Provider Newsletters
2024 1st Quarter N​ew​sletter
2023 1st Quarter New​sletter
2022 2n​d Quarter Newsletter
2022 1st Quarter Ne​ws​letter
2021 1st Quarter Newsletter
2020 3rd Quarter Newsletter
2020 2nd Quarter Newsletter
2020 1st Quarter Newsletter
2018 4th Quarter Newsletter
2018 1st Quarter Newsletter
2017 3rd Quarter Newsletter
2017 2nd Quarter Newsletter
2017 1st Quarter Newsletter
2016 4th Quarter Newsletter
2016 3rd Quarter Newsletter
2016 2nd Quarter Newsletter
2016 1st Quarter Newsletter
2015 4th Quarter Newsletter
2015 3rd Quarter Newsletter
2015 2nd Quarter Newsletter

Annual Reports
Mountain Health Trust Annual Report Fiscal year 2016-2017
BMS Annual Report for State Fiscal Year 2015
WV Health Homes Annual Report for State Fiscal Year 2015
BMS Annual Report for State Fiscal Year 2014