Lawmakers from the West Virginia House of Delegates and State Senate toured two more state facilities as part of the West Virginia Department of Health Facilities’ (DHF) ongoing effort to enhance patient care.
Participants included Chair of the Legislative Oversight Commission on Health and Human Resources Accountability (LOCHHRA) Del. Amy Summers, Del. Bob Fehrenbacher, Del. Ric Griffith, Del. Heather Tully, Sen. Michael Oliverio, Del. Joey Garcia, Del. Phil Mallow, Del. Mike DeVault, Del. Michael Hite, Del. D. Rolland "Buck" Jennings, Del. George Street, Sen. Jay Taylor, and Del. Matthew Rohrbach.
“I am so grateful our dedicated public servants were able to see the passion the hospitals’ staff have in caring for some of our state’s most vulnerable citizens,” Caruso shared. “I look forward to future partnerships as we work to overcome challenges and celebrate successes together.”
“We appreciate the DHF coordinating these site visits to allow legislators the opportunity to view the care residents are receiving, as well as the facilities themselves,” Chairwoman Summers added.
The group, led by DHF Cabinet Secretary Michael J. Caruso, spent the morning visiting John Manchin Sr. Health Care Center in Fairmont, before traveling to Terra Alta for an afternoon tour of Hopemont Hospital. Both facilities hold a four-star designation by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for rising above the national average in providing quality care.
In May, LOCHHRA members visited Jackie Withrow Hospital in Beckley as part of these scheduled tours. Prior to that, they visited Mildred-Mitchell Bateman Hospital in Huntington and William R. Sharpe, Jr. Hospital in Weston.
More about John Manchin Sr. Health Care Center
John Manchin Sr. Health Care Center offers intermediate nursing, inpatient and outpatient clinical services at the most affordable cost and in the most efficient and accessible manner, targeting indigent residents who are unable to obtain these services in the community.
Since its inception as Miners Hospital Number 3 in 1899, the residents of Marion County and the surrounding area have looked to this facility for continuing health care. In 1980, the original structure was replaced with a new building on the same site. Renamed Marion Health Care Hospital in 1983 and renamed again in 2003 to John Manchin Sr. Health Care Center, this public institution continues to provide quality medical care to its patrons.
More about Hopemont Hospital
Hopemont Hospital is a 98-bed licensed Medicaid certified long-term care facility in Terra Alta, West Virginia. The original building was developed to care for the state's citizens with tuberculosis. It has operated as a Medicaid certified long-term nursing facility since 1987.
Hopemont provides services to geriatric residents requiring long-term care and behavioral interventions to maximize their functioning ability and independence, enabling them to become successful and satisfied in their environment.
The hospital’s talented and behaviorally trained staff make it possible to accept for care and treatment, persons with behavioral disabilities and those who are difficult to place in private nursing facilities. Due to the combined efforts of a professional and caring staff, Hopemont's programs enable some residents to return to family or independent living.