West Virginia Celebrates Reunification Month
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The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Bureau for Social Services joins partners nationwide in recognizing National Reunification Month. This annual observance focuses on individuals and initiatives that promote the safe and stable reunification of children in foster care with birth parents.
Governor Jim Justice also proclaimed June as Reunification Month in West Virginia.
“Our team is committed to providing families and children in foster care with interventions and services that work toward a goal of reunification,” said Jeff Pack, Commissioner of DHHR’s Bureau for Social Services. “We couldn’t achieve this without foster parents, mentors, child welfare professionals, and others who support these youth and their families along the way.”
Reunification is the permanency goal most often achieved by children who exit foster care in West Virginia, and most often occurs in less than 12 months following foster care entry. Children with a diagnosed disability are more likely to exit foster care through reunification than any other permanency method. Children who are 12 years of age or older when they enter foster care are three times more likely to exit care due to reunification than any other permanency goal.
DHHR’s Bureau for Social Services is committed to ensuring that the approximately 6,200 West Virginia children in out-of-home care and their families receive adequate and appropriate services that best meet their needs.
Mission West Virginia facilitates matches between families and children in West Virginia. Those interested in learning more about foster care and relative/kinship care resources can contact Mission West Virginia at www.missionwv.org or 304-512-0555.
To view and apply for careers in the child welfare field, visit dhhr.wv.gov/Pages/Career-Opportunities.aspx. Individuals currently enrolled in a bachelor's or master’s social work program may receive tuition assistance. Email DHHREAP@wv.gov or call 304-558-6700 for more information.
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