The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Bureau for Family Assistance is reminding residents receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits that the last issuance of COVID-19 SNAP Emergency Allotments (EA) will be in February 2023 due to the funding being discontinued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Since April 2020, DHHR has issued SNAP EA which increased the household’s monthly SNAP benefit to the maximum benefit allowable by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Effective March 1, 2023, monthly SNAP benefits will return to the pre-COVID-19 Public Health Emergency level and will again be based on the household’s income, assets, household size and other non-financial factors.

Each SNAP household will receive a letter from DHHR notifying them of this change and provide direction on any questions they may have.
“We were pleased to be able to provide this extra assistance during the Public Health Emergency to combat hunger,” said Janie Cole, Interim Commissioner of DHHR’s Bureau for Family Assistance. “We encourage SNAP recipients to begin today to budget their family's benefits in preparation for this benefit change.”
Questions related to SNAP may be directed to DHHR’s Office of Constituent Services at 1-877-716-1212 or a local DHHR office.