The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR), Bureau for Public Health joins partners across the nation to highlight services available to West Virginians during
Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
The West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program (WVBCCSP), within DHHR’s Bureau for Public Health, Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, helps low-income, uninsured, or underinsured women gain access to breast and cervical cancer screening services.
“The West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Program provides resources to decrease cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality by focusing on populations who are underserved and who have increased cancer risk due to health inequities,” said Dr. Matthew Christiansen, State Health Officer and Commissioner of DHHR’s Bureau for Public Health. “Through the program, uninsured or underinsured West Virginians have the availability to receive screening and information on risks and preventive measures.”

The WVBCCSP eligible population includes those who are uninsured or underinsured, at or below
250% of the federal poverty level, aged 40 to 64 years for breast cancer services, and aged 21 to 64 years for cervical cancer services. Those who are symptomatic or high-risk under the age of 40 and those over the age of 64 who do not have Medicare Part B may also receive services through the program.
Individuals who are interested in resources provided by WVBCCSP may visit to view the “Find a Provider” section organized by county.
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