West Virginia

Department of Health, Department of Health Facilities, and Department of Human Services

Department of Health
Department of Health Facilities
Department of Human Services

West Virginians Impacted by February and March Flooding may Qualify for Disaster SNAP Benefits


The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) today announced that West Virginia residents who did not receive SNAP and who lived or worked in Cabell, Kanawha, Mingo, and Wayne counties and were impacted by flooding that occurred February 27 through March 4, 2021 may be eligible for Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) benefits. Approved by DHHR and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), D-SNAP benefits can be used to purchase food, but cannot be used to buy alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or non-food items.

“Our appreciation is extended to Governor Jim Justice for requesting this aid from the federal government,” said Linda Watts, Commissioner of DHHR’s Bureau for Children and Families. “Because of this, residents who are not normally eligible for SNAP may qualify for D-SNAP as a result of the major disaster declaration. We estimate that more than 1,500 West Virginia households may be eligible for this federal assistance.”

Eligibility will be based on the household’s net income, which is determined by adding available income, cash on hand and accessible bank accounts, then subtracting unreimbursed disaster-related expenses, like food loss or damage to property.  Assets such as homes and automobiles are not included in the net income eligibility determination.

Residents of the four approved counties may apply for D-SNAP benefits at the following locations from Monday, June 28, 2021 through Friday, July 2, 2021:


Site Location

Site Address

D-SNAP Hours of Operation


Cabell DHHR

2699 Park Ave. Suite 100

Huntington, WV 25704

Monday -Friday  8:30 am –  7:00 pm


Kanawha DHHR

4190 W. Washington St.

Charleston, WV 25313

Monday – Friday 8:30 am  – 7:00 pm


Mingo DHHR

203 East Third Ave.

Williamson, WV 25661

Monday - Friday 8:30 am  – 7:00 pm



Wayne DHHR

26452 E Lynn Rd.

Wayne, WV 25570

Monday - Friday  8:30 am  – 7:00 pm

Applicants are strongly encouraged to provide the following when they apply for benefits:
  • photo proof of identity such as a driver’s license or other picture ID
  • documentation of residence in the affected county at the time of disaster 
  • verification of all income received during February 27, 2021 to March 28, 2021 
  • verification of assets such as checking and savings accounts
  • verification of all disaster-related expenses  

Most benefits will be available within one day of the date of application. Benefits must be used within 120 days. 

All D-SNAP applications will be checked for duplication.  If there is a violation of the D-SNAP rules, the individual may be disqualified from the program, fined up to $250,000 and/or placed in jail for up to 20 years. Persons who purposely provide false information on a D-SNAP application may be denied benefits and legal action may be taken.

The U.S. Food and Nutrition Service approved the D-SNAP under the authority of section 412 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act and section 5(h) of the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008.  SNAP is 100 percent federally funded by the USDA and offers nutrition assistance to eligible, low-income individuals and families.  USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

Contact Information

Media contact: DHHRCommunications@wv.gov
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