West Virginia

Department of Health, Department of Health Facilities, and Department of Human Services

Department of Health
Department of Health Facilities
Department of Human Services

September is National Preparedness Month


​The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Center for Threat Preparedness is urging the public to plan for health threats with a personal preparedness kit.

“September is National Preparedness Month, a good time for the public to engage in personal preparedness planning and to build or evaluate emergency preparedness kits,” said Dr. Letitia Tierney, Commissioner of the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health and State Health Officer.  “If you already have a kit in place, you should routinely check to determine if items need to be added, changed or replaced.”

Dr. Tierney said that there are some basic supplies that every household emergency kit should contain, including non-perishable food items, water, first-aid supplies, a flashlight, prescription medication and a supply of over-the-counter medication such as Tylenol® and aspirin.  Comfort items, such as pen and paper or a book, a small game to pass the time, tools to shut off house utilities, and a toy for children, are often overlooked. Back-up documentation, such as insurance policies and deeds, are also important.

Federal recommendations suggest maintaining three gallons of water on-site at all times and enough food and supplies on-hand to last up to 72 hours per person. Young and elderly family members may require more water than is recommended. Pets will also need supplies including food and water for three days for each pet; bowls, and a manual can opener.

Building an emergency preparedness kit can be an activity for the whole family. 

For more information, visit the Center for Threat Preparedness website at http://www.dhhr.wv.gov/healthprep.

Contact Information

Luke Mitchell ■ Public Information Officer ■ Bureau for Public Health ■ Phone: (304) 558-6900 ■ E-mail: Luke.R.Mitchell@wv.gov
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