WV Division of Tobacco Prevention
Quit Now Barn
WV Division of Tobacco Prevention


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What is a Quitline?

A quitline is a tobacco cessation service available through a toll-free telephone number. Quitlines are staffed by counselors trained specifically to help smokers quit. Quitlines deliver information, advice, support, and referrals to tobacco users—regardless of their geographic location, race/ethnicity, or economic status—in all U.S. states. Visit the Center's for Disease Control site to learn more about tobacco cessation Quitlines.

What to Expect when you call the West Virginia Tobacco Cessation Quitline:

A quit coach will work with you to develop a personalized plan and provide you with information that will help you quit tobacco. During the call, your quit coach may ask you specific questions about your quitting history, tobacco use, and/or motivations to quit, which will help them create a plan that will work for you. Any information you provide or discuss with your quit coach during the call is completely confidential.

The WV Tobacco Cessation Quitline provides highly trained, certified phone coaches to help participants quit tobacco. In addition to individual phone coaching, the program also offers free nicotine replacement therapy and information and materials on quitting tobacco. Specialized programs for pregnant smokers and spit tobacco users are also available.

WV smokers can also enroll online for services by visiting https://wvtobaccoquitline.com/ or by text at 304-583-4010.

We are here when you are ready.


Additional Tobacco Cessation Resources recommended by the CDC

Quit &Stay Quit Monday is a tobacco cessation tool designed by The Monday Campaigns in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control and the Lerner Center for Public Health Promotion at Johns Hopkins University. QSQM encourages people to quit, re-quit or recommit to quitting smoking every Monday.

You can begin your quit journey today by visiting smokefree.gov.

Look over the Food and Drug Administration's approved cessation medications.

You Can Quit 2, a military specific cessation resource.

American Cancer Society

American Heart Association

American Lung Association

BecomeAnEx A Program sponsored by the Truth Initiative

350 Capitol Street | Room 524 | Charleston, WV 25301 | Phone: 304-352-6000
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