WV Division of Tobacco Prevention
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WV Division of Tobacco Prevention



Raze is West Virginia's youth tobacco prevention and education program. Since 2001, students in grades 6-12 have participated in Raze crews in schools and community organizations as Scouts, 4-H, and religious organizations. Within crews, Raze members educate their peers, schools,and communities through tobacco education activities called "commotions".

We're on a mission to tear down tobacco lies and spread the truth about the dangers of smoking and vaping.

Each Raze crew receives a mini-grant to empower their activities and the adult advisior that lead Raze crews receive a personal stipend. Leadership and scholarship opportunities are offered to Raze members. To learn more visit the Raze website. Also check out the Instagram, and the Twitter page to learn more.

Raze is celebrating its 20th year in fighting big tobacco. WV Congresswoman Shelley Moore Capito and Senator Joe Manchin congratulated Raze with this birthday message.

 College and University Tobacco Cessation Program.

The West Virginia Division of Tobacco Prevention along with the American Lung Association of West Virginia will be offering Freedom from Smoking Facilitator training and tobacco cessation classes to West Virginia colleges and universities. 

Tobacco prevention, education and cessation services will be promoted throughout higher education campuses to educate young adults about the dangers of vaping and cessation services available to them. Please contact Christina Chill or Chaste Barklay for more information.

350 Capitol Street | Room 524 | Charleston, WV 25301 | Phone: 304-352-6000
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