Bureau for Behavioral Health
Bureau for Behavioral Health

Provider Trainings


Online Wraparound Training​

There are three online Wraparound trainings through the Innovations Institute’s Learning Management System (LMS). You can access them below by clicking on the course name:

These trainings are prerequisites for anyone who will be participating in a Wraparound Cohort. They are also useful for anyone who is working in, around, or with a Wraparound program. In order to access the trainings, you will need to have an account with the LMS.

Online Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS) Training

There is an online MRSS training through the Innovations Institute’s Learning Management System (LMS). You can access the training below by clicking on the course name:

This training is a prerequisite for anyone who will be participating in Introduction to MRSS. It is also useful for anyone who is working in, around, or with a Children’s Mobile Crisis Response program.
If you are having difficulty registering for a course, please reach out to your agency’s local coach.​

Children’s Mobile Response and Stabilization Services:

All Frontline Staff and Supervisors:

Core trainings will be offered regularly and subject to change based on need. New training series will begin as needed based on installation efforts. All core training must be completed by local coaching candidates, supervisors, and response teams within six months of start date.

Required Trainings

3-day Introduction to Mobile Response and Stabilization Services (MRSS)​
1-day Introduction to MRSS for Access Point Staff (Access Point Staff only)
2-day Supervision in MRSS (Supervisors only) 
2-day MRSS – Improving Practice
Monthly Coaching Sessions for Supervisors


All Frontline Staff, Supervisors, and Coaching Candidates:

The core trainings will be offered regularly. A new training series will begin each six months for no more than two offerings per year. All core trainings must be completed by local coaching candidates, supervisors, and care coordinators. All staff must complete the required booster trainings as indicated. 

Required Trai​nings: 

3-day Introduction to Wraparound​
1-day Engagement Training
2-day Intermediate Wraparound Practice Booster Training
1-day Training of Coaching and Supervision Tools (Supervisors Only)
2-day Advanced Supervision Topics (Supervisors Only)​
Monthly Coaching Sessions for Supervisors 

Upcoming Trainings​

Wraparound Trainings:

August 21, 2024 Engagement in Wraparound
September 25-26, 2024 Intermediate Wraparound

Mobile Crisis Response and Stabilization Trainings: ​

August 21-23, 2024 Introduction to MRSS Practice ​
(This 3-day training is the first in the MRSS training series and needs to be completed as a prerequisite to all other trainings.  Please enroll any new staff who have not yet completed it.)
September 11-12, 2024 MRSS Across Settings and Populations 
(2-day intermediate training for anyone who has completed Intro to MRSS and not already completed the MRSS​​​ Across Settings and Populations Booster)
September 16-17, 2024 Trauma Responsive Care in MRSS/Crisis Planning in MRSS 
(2-day intermediate training for anyone who has completed Intro to MRSS and not already completed the Trauma and Crisis Planning Booster)​

Fidelity Trainings: 

August 13, 2024 Child and Family Team Meeting Attendance
August 27, 2024 Timely Engagement
September 10, 2024 Driven by Strengths and Families-Includes Inventory of Strengths, Family Story, Family Vision
September 24, 2024 Natural and Community Supports
October 8, 2024 Crisis Plan/Crisis Response
October 29, 2024 Needs and Outcome Based
November 12, 2024 Transition Plan
November 19, 2024 Outcomes for families and program​
December​ 10, 2024 Family Satisfaction

Human Services
Bureau for Behavioral Health
Room 350 | 350 Capitol Street | Charleston, WV 25301
Phone: (304) 558-0627 | Fax: (304) 558-1008
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