West Virginia Behavioral Health Workforce Training Center
In June 2021, the West Virginia Department of Human Services (DoHS), Bureau for Behavioral Health (BBH)—formerly part of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources (DHHR) announced a competitively funded $425,000 award to the Marshall University Research Corporation (MURC) to pilot a statewide training center.
The grant will support a basic array of evidence-based behavioral health virtual training opportunities for West Virginia’s behavioral health workforce. MURC will also support BBH in establishing a Statewide Training Advisory Council (STAC), which will be comprised of a variety of stakeholders and provide recommendations to guide the state’s vision of professional development in the behavioral health workforce.
This project is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration through the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant and the Community Mental Health Services Block Grant.
For more information, see https://wvbhtraining.org/. To be notified about training registrations, please join the Training Center's list serv.
Addiction Training Institute
For new and experienced professionals who are seeking a thorough review of both the established fundamentals of addiction and current approaches to working with individuals in active behavioral and substance addictions. The training is valuable for those working or planning to work in the areas of mental health, addictions counseling, courts and corrections, school counseling, nursing and psychology. Addiction Training Institute features current developments within the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual areas of addictive behavior.
Contact: Swapna W. King, Community Relations Coordinator, Chestnut Ridge Center, WVU Medicine 304.598.6422 (office), kingsw@wvumedicine.org
Appalachian Addiction and Prescription Drug Abuse Conference (AAPDAC)
Three day-long annual conference held annually in October. This event makes available WV State CME/CEs for multiple disciplines. This program meets the 3-hour CME Best Practices Prescribing of Controlled Substances requirement for physicians and physician assistants under West Virginia law. Most recent details:
https://wvmphp.org/Contact: Brad Hall, WV Medical Professionals Health Program, bhallmd@wvmphp.org.
Providers Clinical Support System (PCSS)
PCSS provides training and a clinical mentoring program specific to opioid use disorder, including but not limited to the X-waiver, clinical roundtable discussion, FAQs, and video modules.
Continuing Education
The Bureau for Behavioral Health is a certified provider of continuing education units (CEUs) for the following disciplines: Addiction and Prevention, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Social Work. If you are planning a training in conjunction with trainers from the BBH or their affiliated grantees, you may request CEUs for your event. Please review the BBH Continuing Education Protocol and complete the BBH CEU Request Form. (In order to submit this form, you must save it to your computer as a PDF, then submit the completed form as an attachment via email to Vicky.E.Hatfield@wv.gov.)
If you have any questions about either training requests or continuing education, please contact:
Vicky Hatfield
Bureau for Behavioral Health
(304) 352-5586