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The West Virginia Division of Infectious Disease Epidemiology (DIDE), located within the Office of Epidemiology and Prevention Services, manages potential communicable disease threats to the public's health by providing technical assistance, assisting with outbreak investigations, and developing education and prevention messages. An emergency consultation service is available 24/7​ at (800)-423-1271, (extension 1).

Visit the WV DIDE website​ for an A to Z listing of diseases, their causes, symptoms, and steps that can be taken to avoid contracting and/or spreading disease. Fact sheets on reportable diseases and bioterrorism agents are also available. The website includes: 
  • A map with contact information for the state’s 8 regional epidemiologists 
  • West Virginia surveillance data and surveillance evaluation data
  • Information on West Virginia outbreaks and monthly outbreak reports
  • Information on zoonotic diseases, foodborne diseases, healthcare associated infections, and vaccine preventable diseases
  • Updates, recent health alerts, and hot topics

In addition, you may be interested in this information: 

Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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