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Jurisdictional Risk Assessment

​​The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement requires states to conduct a jurisdictional risk assessment (JRA) every five years to advance a jurisdiction’s capabilities to prepare for and respond to public health threats. In 2018, West Virginia conducted its second JRA. The 2018 JRA process engaged a wide array of preparedness stakeholders across all preparedness regions in West Virginia. A fully electronic tool comprised of three key steps was developed to engage preparedness stakeholders in risk data collection and analysis during JRA meetings; the goals of each step are described below:


Purpose: Consider how hazards apply specifically to county health and health systems and explore how impact, probability, and mitigation change risk calculations. Consider and discuss which hazards may be unique to the county or community.


Purpose: Discuss specific areas (health and public health services and infrastructure, physical and emotional health, etc.) that would be impacted by the top hazards. Consider the levels of resources and assistance needed to address the top hazards.


Purpose: Assess key county preparedness indicators. Identify partnership strengths and opportunities for improvement.

Top hazards in West Virginia were found to be diverse, spanning natural, technological, and human-causes. The 2018 West Virginia JRA State Report makes recommendations to guide future public health-led risk assessments, with specific considerations made for West Virginia’s unique demography and geography. See the links below to access the State Report and the 2018 JRA Tool. If you have any questions about these materials or the 2018 JRA please contact the Center for Threat Preparedness at (304) 558-6900.

2018 West Virginia Jurisdictional Risk Assessment State Report

2018 West Virginia Jurisdictional Risk Assessment Tool

Health Risk Assessment

In May 2011, the West Virginia Bureau for Public Health’s Center for Threat Preparedness (CTP) conducted a process to prioritize Public Health Preparedness Capabilities in order to plan activities for the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Public Health Emergency Preparedness five year (2011-17) grant period. Capability 1, Community Preparedness​ was identified as a priority for West Virginia. To develop this Capability, the CTP included a jurisdictional risk assessment (JRA) as an activity in the 2011/2012 grant application. The CTP renamed the JRA as a “Health Risk Assessment” or HRA, to distinguish it from the Hazard Vulnerability and Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessments (THIRAs) conducted by emergency management.

When the CTP initiated the development of its HRA in the fall of 2011, no states or jurisdictions had experience in conducting this type of assessment. In addition, only a single jurisdictional risk assessment tool was publicly available. This tool, built by the University of California, Los Angeles, appeared targeted to large urban health departments with significant data and resources. The CTP recognized the need to develop and conduct a HRA that would fit the unique capacity and requirements of West Virginia and other rural states interested in a community-based, participatory assessment.

To that end, the CTP engaged an Advisory Committee and a Working Group comprised of representatives from 6 state agencies, 7 local health departments and 2 hospitals. The concept for West Virginia’s HRA was developed using a literature review (including disciplines such as environmental health, hospital preparedness and emergency management), informational interviews with other state health departments, academic institutions, and continuous partner feedback and evaluation from both the state and local levels. The CTP adopted an integrated tiered approach to the HRA, with data from assessments within the 49 local health jurisdictions, covering 55 counties. The approach was utilized to provide a baseline data set to drive local, regional, and state public-health and medical preparedness planning.

Materials included in this assessment process are provided below. For more information or to access additional materials, please contact the Center for Threat Preparedness at 304-558-6900.

Introduction to the HRA Toolkit​
Overview of the HRA Process for Participants
Workshop Participant Presention
WV HRA Assessment Resources
WV HRA Workshop Tool.pdf
HRA Hazard Data Sources
Fake County Profile
WV HRA Sample County Report
HRA Public Health Questionaire
HRA Suggested Invitations
HRA Workshop Participant Invitation Hospital Template
HRA Workshop Participants Invitation Health Center Template​
HRA Workshop Participant Inivtation Behavioral Health Template
HRA Workshop Participant Invitation Free Clinic Template
HRA Workshop Participant Invitation Emergency Management Template
HRA Workshop Participant Invitation General Template

To access the State Health Risk Assessment Report, click here.

NACCHO Resource Portfolio Project on the PHEP Capabilities

Contributors to the Development of the Health Risk Assessment: October 2011- June 2014


Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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