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The View from Here


With the crazy way this year started off, the staff here at the Center for Threat Preparedness, are glad to see things slowing down a bit - a much needed reprieve from the past few months! However, we are still engaged in the recovery with the water incident, and even still working on recovery from incidents like the 2012 Derecho and the recent winter storms. I very much appreciate all of the hard work dedicated to these efforts by not only our staff, but a myriad of state and local government and private partners.

However, that doesn’t mean we’re not planning and preparing for what’s next, lurking around the corner. For instance, our 14-15 Preparedness grant applications are due soon .Staff and partners are busy preparing for submission.

On another note, we are always excited to hear about a good preparedness initiative. FEMA has begun to unveil its first annual PrepareAthon campaign. This sort of thing is right up our alley! You know we’ll be involved with that, and look forward to spreading the word as much as we can. We like to support any educational initiatives on preparedness, especially those involving our federal partners.

We’re looking forward to this drive and hope you have a chance to get involved. Together, we can all be prepared and promote safety. Information on the PrepareAthon can be found at: Until then, please check with your local or state Emergency Management office for any associated events or promotions planned. This is a great way to develop or enhance partnerships between Public Health, Health Care and Emergency Management at all levels.

Until next time, stay safe and plan ahead!

Contact Information

Jerry Rhodes, (304) 558-6900
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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