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The View from Here


Spring has finally sprung, it seems! Well, for now at least. It was hard to anticipate what the weather would do during this past season. As you know, those weather systems have drastically shifted from unique highs in temperature to record-high accumulation of snow.

We lucked out during Winter Storm Jonas, though. Thankfully, the snow initially fell in a much dryer form than was first forecasted, and there was only limited damage and power outage. The biggest issue was road access, given the sheer volume of snow and the speed in which it fell.

Still, we activated Health Command for 60-plus hours, and I know all our partners were busy as well that long weekend. We appreciate all you do as we work together during these hectic times.

We anticipate that this spring will bring in stormy weather with new threats. It’s incumbent on us all to remain vigilant and prepared as the weather warms for the potential for high winds, tornadic activity, flooding, lightning, and yes, even more snow. You gotta love the weather in WV!

On a different note, as far as staffing updates at the Center go, we have a new addition to our leadership roles. Donnie Haynes officially assumed the Deputy Director position on February 15. Donnie has worked at the Center for three years as the Emergency Planner and has worked in the Bureau for a total of 10 years.  His knowledge and experience will be an asset to the Center as the State faces uncertain fiscal challenges and continued threats to the health and wellbeing of our citizens.

Stay safe and prepared. Happy Spring!

Contact Information

Jerry Rhodes, (304) 558-6900
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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