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The View from Here


Spring has arrived! Warm weather and outdoor activities, garage cleaning, little league baseball, picnics and yard work. Winter is gone, for sure! But spring is also a time to focus on several preparedness concerns, including a new addition to the list.  We are already being impacted by spring storms, accompanied by heavy rain, hail, winds, flash flooding and the threat of tornados. Increased outdoor activities also correlate to increased risk of physical injury – especially for those of us not as young as we once were! Of special concern is the rise in ladder injuries. So, stay alert to changing weather conditions and ease into the physical activities.

This spring also heralds in a new threat: Zika disease. Much discussion has occurred in the media concerning this mosquito-borne disease and its effects on humans, primarily the fetus of pregnant women. The country will see a rise in Zika cases as the weather warms and the mosquito population explodes. There is a wealth of information available on the CDC and WV Division of Infectious Disease Epidemiology websites, both of which are linked to this Threat Preparedness web site.

A pragmatic approach to reduction of potential for infection from the virus is the best course, including community mosquito control efforts aimed at reducing standing water (tires, containers, etc.), personal use of mosquito spray, long sleeved clothing, etc. Much information prepared to help you reduce the chance of acquiring the disease can be found on the websites.

Enjoy the beautiful spring weather and the chance to get out of the house, exercise and play. But as always, be safe and be prepared!

Contact Information

Jerry Rhodes
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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