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The View from Here


Happy Spring to each of you.  After this past winter’s weather, I bet everyone is ready for some warm weather, pothole repairs and cookouts!


Speaking of food, you don’t always think of nutrition when considering preparedness, right? But, it makes sense. You always hear, take care of yourself first so you can take care of others next.

As part of National Nutrition Month,  CTP is suggesting folks take time in March to go through their emergency kits to make sure their food choices are not only nutritious but have not expired. Oftentimes, we include food products in our emergency kits that have a long shelf life; however, these items may not always be the healthiest choices.

A helpful tip is to compare the nutritional values before purchasing new items and attempt to make food choices that are low in sodium, just like you would while shopping for dinner. Remember, you don’t have to compromise on nutrition to have an emergency kit. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests including food products that are high in protein but low in sodium and to include high-energy foods like nuts, whole grains and canned fruits, vegetables or dried meats.

Also, water is vital! It’s important to maintain a gallon of water per day for each family member for up to three days. This amount could fluctuate, too, depending on specific needs if an individual is young or elderly, and it doesn’t include any household pets—so make sure to plan for them when you’re preparing. Seventy-two hours is the number to remember in planning for any emergency kit.

Hopefully you never have to use it, but it would come in handy if you were one that needed to evacuate with all the inclement weather and flooding we’ve experienced lately. And, having the right nutrition and food source would definitely ensure that you and your family were properly equipped and prepared.

Well, that’s it for this time. I hope everyone stays healthy, safe and dry out there this spring! And, don’t forget to prepare.

Contact Information

Jerey Rhodes (304) 558-6900
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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