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The View from Here


Happy Summertime…My favorite time of the year! As we move into the summer months, I’d like to remind you to be prepared and extra careful. Folks are more physically active, road traffic has increased, summer storms are popping out of nowhere, and school is out! It’s a great time to be in the Mountain State, but we must all be vigilant to hazards associated with this time of the year.

The third annual Preparedness Conference has come and gone. Thanks to all who joined us for two days of collaborative networking, learning and, hopefully, at bit of battery-recharging. Each of you contributed to another successful conference and because of that, CTP staff sees the need to immediately begin planning for the 2015 conference. Please let us know if you have a particular topic of interest for us to consider. Special thanks to the hardworking CTP staff and Conference Committee for their tireless planning and support.

You may have heard of a group of subject matter experts, appropriately titled the “Think Tank” workgroup, that has been meeting to look ahead to the next decade of Public Health and Healthcare System Preparedness. The Preparedness initiative will always be a part of our jobs and personal lives, and we need to focus forward to determine how we will preserve the good work that has been accomplished since the inception of the program right after 9/11.

The Think Tank is actively considering our role and ability, given that we are currently operating in the face of declining federal grant funding. Their mission is difficult, but I believe they will provide great insight into future steps for Preparedness by focusing on our assets – hardworking, dedicated people with a sense of pride and an eye to the future. More on the Think Tank’s work in future Director’s Column articles.

Thanks for stopping by, and be safe out there!

Contact Information

Jerry Rhodes (304) 558-6900
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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