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The View from Here


The past few months have flown by, and we at CTP have been busy with end of year grant work, while monitoring natural disasters and man-made emergencies across the world.  The hurricane season has really impacted the nation, U.S. Territories and Puerto Rico causing loss of life and property.  As recovery efforts continue, we are keeping a close eye on the potential impact of hurricanes Irma and Maria on disease transmission, among other public health issues.

The 2017 National Scout Jamboree was held from July 18-29, 2017 at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in Fayette County.  This 10,600-acre property entertains up to 40,000 scouts and volunteers on a high adventure base camp.  DHHR was very engaged in the planning and exercising leading up to the event, and coordinated public health and medical activities through DHHR Health Command and the Joint Inter-Agency Task Force resulting in a successful event.

West Virginia experienced catastrophic flooding on July 28, 2017 resulting in a State of Emergency Declaration in 11 northern counties.  Because of ongoing emergency planning and state preparedness initiatives, local jurisdictions responded to the event and done an excellent job.  I would like to take this opportunity to provide kudos to those counties impacted for their response actions while protecting the emergency responders and public during the floods.   

Flu season is just around the corner, please consider getting your vaccinations!  With the weather starting to turn cooler, it is a perfect time to update your preparedness kits, and make sure your vehicle has supplies such as jumper cables, blanket, water, and food.

Thank you for visiting the site, and I hope you stop by on a regular basis.      

Contact Information

Donnie Haynes 304-558-6900
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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