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The View from Here


The past few months have been pretty busy and hectic; in fact, we’re wondering … where did summer go? We do hope this finds you well and warm, now that temperatures are cooler.

Kudos to you for visiting our website; hopefully you are garnering some helpful information from it. We would like to bring your attention to a couple of areas of this site. One in particular is the Alerts & Advisories page/section. There you will find WV Department of Health and Human Resources Health Alerts, WV Water Alert Notifications (Boil Advisories & Service Disruptions), Regional Weather Advisories, WV Department of Transportation Traffic Conditions, and more. There is a great deal of real-time information available in these hyper-links, so you are encouraged to check it out.

The second area of the website which may be beneficial is the opportunity to Share with friends and family. You can generate an automatic email encouraging others to become prepared simply by clicking on the option to do so.

Since we’re on the eve of flu season, you may also be curious about the CDC’s new Solve the Outbreak app. It’s a great way to study epidemiology outside the classroom, where you can learn about diseases and outbreaks in an engaging way. Download it free, via the CTP homepage!

Again, thank you for visiting us. We look forward to you stopping by on a regular basis.

Contact Information

Jerry Rhodes: (304) 558-6900
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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