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The View From Here


It’s hard to believe that it has been one year since we’ve stood up our Public Health Command in response to the coronavirus epidemic (COVID-19). As we continue to head into 2021 it’s incumbent upon us all to remain vigilant with our response.  We here at the Center for Threat Preparedness have all been busy, and without a doubt we acknowledge you have been as well with testing, surveillance and vaccination clinics.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are reminded that public health threats are always imminent, and crises are just around the corner. It has been apparent all the Public Health Emergency Preparedness work we’ve been doing over the years is serving us well. This experience will enable us to meet the many challenges we, as public health professionals, continue to face every day. Although focus has shifted to response, we will remain vigilant with how to adapt our preparedness and response infrastructure. 

We continue to acknowledge and appreciate the work you do and the vital role you play in the public health preparedness and response initiative in WV.  Mostly what I’m trying to say is, thanks! Thanks to all our partners who are working endlessly to ensure the public’s health and safety. None of us operate in a vacuum and it takes all those partnerships and collaborations to protect the health and well-being of our citizens and visitors.  Stay safe and well everyone!

Contact Information

Donnie Haynes 304-558-6900
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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