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The View from Here


Our 2nd annual Health and Medical Preparedness Conference has already come and gone. We want to thank all of the participants, speakers and volunteers who helped to make this year’s conference such a success. We look forward to seeing you next year for an even bigger and better conference!

Summertime is here and that brings with it some new preparedness issues to keep in mind. As in the winter, summertime heat can tax the electric grid and cause brown outs; summer storms can knock power out completely. With the heat, try to stay cool, drink plenty of water, and wear loose fitting light colored clothing. Remember your pets can have a hard time with the heat as well, so don’t leave them unattended in closed vehicles or outside without plenty of water.

This is also the time of year for festivals, fairs, and all kinds of celebrations. Preparedness plays an important role in these events to keep everyone safe. Plan ahead for such events:

  • Do you have enough fuel in your vehicle to get where you going? 
  • Do you have an alternate route planned in case there is a lot of traffic congestion? 
  • Do you have some water and/or snacks in the car in case you are stuck in traffic for extended periods? 
  • Is your cell phone adequately charged in case you need to call for assistance? 
  • If you live in the area where the event is occurring, do you have sufficient supplies at home to sustain you in case you have difficulty getting out or vendors have difficulty getting supplies in?
Be patient and courteous to fellow travelers and event goers. Even though these are fun events, they can cause additional stress for some individuals.

Plan ahead, be prepared, and enjoy those summertime activities!

Contact Information

Jerry Rhodes: (304) 558-6900
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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