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The View From Here


We’ve all been busy lately. There’s been a lot going on in the world of public health preparedness!  With an interesting flu season under way, the Enterovirus hitting the U.S. harder than usual, and, unquestionably, all the attention and concern about the current Ebola outbreak, we here at CTP have all been busy, without a doubt…and, I’m sure you have been as well.

We’ve updated our plans, continue to share new guidance and developments, facilitated a Joint Interagency Task Force to help the state prepare for a possible Ebola response and continue to prepare for a tabletop exercise to be completed before Christmas.   Also, we continue to support and stress the importance of All-Hazards Planning, so we can rest assured that a plan is in place no matter what specific situation arises.

So, with that peace of mind, I hope the folks around the state can relax a bit as we gear up for another season — the holiday season. It’s an important time of year and we here at CTP hope everyone enjoys their time with friends and family and makes the most of it. And, in the meantime, we’ll keep doing what we do best – planning for better tomorrow and a new year.

And with that, Happy Holidays from us to you! Thanks for your support and partnership, and stay safe out there!



Contact Information

Jerry Rhodes
Department of Health
Center for Threat Preparedness | 505 Capitol Street, Suite 200, Charleston, WV 25301 | Ph: 304.558.6900 | Fx: 304.558.0464
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