West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources provides services for all children and youth placed in foster care. The
Bureau for Children and Families coordinates with the
Bureau for Public Health/
Office of Maternal, Child, and Family Health and the
Bureau for Medical Services to ensure high-quality comprehensive healthcare for this targeted population.
State Policy
(DHHR Bureau for Children and Families, Child Welfare Policy, Foster Care Section 3, 3.2 HealthCare) requires the participation in the Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program, known as HealthCheck, for every child and youth in foster care. Evaluation of health status and provision of any needed medical treatment is a necessary component of foster care. Through this Program, all children and youth in foster care receive a comprehensive range of preventive and primary health services including vision testing; physical examinations; comprehensive health/medical history; dental screens; nutrition assessments; developmental and behavioral assessments; hearing screens; lead testing (as appropriate); immunizations; ear, nose & throat examinations; vital signs assessments; lab tests; and referrals.
HealthCheck employs
Foster Care Liaisons to ensure that every child and youth in foster care receives a timely initial appointment for a comprehensive well-visit in accordance with the
American Academy of Pediatrics' Bright Futures standard of care. HealthCheck
Foster Care Liaisons verify the accomplishment and results of said initial appointments before documenting in the Families and Children Tracking System (FACTS), thereby establishing the plan for the foster child’s regular health supervision.