Packaging and Shipping

Federal regulations concerning the shipment of diagnostic and infectious substances by air or ground are strictly enforced.  The shipper is entirely responsible for properly classifying, identifying, packaging, marking, labeling, and documenting shipments for transport.

All specimens (including clinical material and isolates) submitted to OLS must be packaged properly and shipped according to current regulations.  Specimens shipped that do not meet these regulations could be rejected for transport by the carrier.  This page will provide sufficient information to providers shipping specimens to OLS.  If you would like additional information, refer to the regulations section below.

Guidance Documents

Example of Category B Shipment

Example of Category A Shipment
NOTE: Only certified shippers are permitted to prepare and ship Category A Infectious Substances.

IATA Dangerous Goods (Regulations, 58th edition)

Other Links

Below are some of the suppliers of diagnostic and infectious substance shipping materials:
Saf-T-Pak (now part of Inmark)

(DISCLAIMER: Recommendations of these websites do not constitute endorsement by OLS, BPH, DHHR, or any other State of West Virginia agency.)