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Select your county o​n the map to the right, or click here for a list of all counties.


For information and guidance on Applications for Transitional Living for Vulnerable Youth Residential Programs click here.

The West Virginia Department of Human Services​ announces the addition of the Child Welfare Dashboard. Please feel free to visit the dashboard.

Click here to join our mailing list for upcoming Funding Announcements.

For additional information and news alerts for Kinship and Relative providers please visit the following link:

The West Virginia Department of Human Services announces the establishment of the ​​Plans of Safe Care​ ​grant opportunity.

In 2022, the West Virginia Department of Human Services Bureau for Social Services partnered with staff and faculty from Marshall University to develop and conduct a survey with foster parents and caregivers in the state. To review the results of the survey, click here.

​​Directories and Documents

Local DoHS County Directory (or see map above)

BSS District M​anagement Staff D​irectory​​

FAQ document for transitioning foster care youth to managed care. Mountain Health Promise Managed Care FAQs

Need to report abuse or neglect of a child or adult?


                    For information about reporting abuse and/or neglect of either a child or adult CLICK HERE


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About Us

Mission Statement

The Bureau for Social Services promotes the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and vulnerable adults, supporting individuals to succeed and strengthening families.


All West Virginians experience safe, stable, healthy lives and thrive in the care of a loving family and community.


     Professionalism-personal and professional accountability, community service, customer focus.

     Integrity-competence, courage, compassion, ethical conduct, dedication.

     Excellence-quality, effectiveness, outcome-oriented, data-driven decisions.

     Relationships-respectful, responsive, collaborative, participatory, follow the parallel process.

     Staff Contributions-shared responsibility, equality, inclusion, honor individual differences.

Contact Us

Jeffrey M. Pack, Commissioner
Bureau for Social Services
350 Capitol Street, Room 730
Charleston, WV 25301

Phone: (304) 558-0628
Fax: (304) 558-4194

Office Hours: 8 a.m - 5 p.m.

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Or visit theDoHS website