WV Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

Data and Statistics

​​​​​​​Updated Data Coming Soon.

Directory of Terms
Initial Blood Lead Level Screenings/Initial Screens: The first time a child is tested for lead poisoning using the child's blood.
EBLL: Elevated-Blood-Lead-Level, indicates a child has a higher-than-normal amount of lead in their blood (above 3.5 micrograms per deciliter).  There are recommendations made to re-test and confirm these results along with periodic follow-ups to track your blood lead levels you can find here.
HHLPSS: Healthy Homes Lead Prevention Surveillance System, the database we use to monitor and track EBLLs across the State of West Virginia.
Single Case Per ID Per Year: The number of children tested without replication or duplication, this is the number of unique children under the age of 6 years old who were tested.
Per: Percentage of those with confirmed EBLLs from the population tested.
Confirmed EBLL: Number of children who were confirmed to have EBLLs, according to the recommendations set forth by the CDC for confirmatory testing.

Housing Data
If your home was built before 1978, it may contain lead based paint. Homes built before 1960 have a ​​greater chance of containing lead based paint per the EPA​. Click the link on the charts below to see what counties in West Virginia have the highest risk. 
Housing units built before 1979
Housing units built before 1960​​