Department of Human Services WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services

PERM 2013 Education Webinar Information

Cycle 2 States:

Alabama, California, Colorado, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia

PERM Cycle 2 Provider Education Webinar/Conference Calls

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is hosting four PERM Provider education Webinar/Conference calls during PERM Cycle 2 (2013). The purpose is to provide opportunities for the providers of the Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) communities to enhance your understanding of specific Provider responsibilities during PERM.

The Payment Error Rate Measurement (PERM) program is designed to measure improper payments in the Medicaid and CHIP programs, as required by the Improper Payments Information Act (IPIA) of 2002 (amended in 2010 by the Improper Payments Elimination and Recovery Act or IPERA).

Webinar/Conference call participants will learn from presentations that feature;

  •  The PERM process and provider responsibilities during a PERM review 
  •      Frequent mistakes and best practices
  •  The Electronic Submission of Medical Documentation, esMD program

Presentation materials and participant call in information will be posted on the Provider Education Calls link at:

The Webinars are being presented on a Connect Pro platform. To test your connection in advance, launch:

Tuesday, May 21, 2013 3:00-4:00pm ET
To join the meeting:
Audio: 1-877-267-1577, Meeting ID# 4964

Wednesday, June 5, 2013 3:00-4:00pm ET
To join the meeting:
Audio: 1-877-267-1577, Meeting ID# 4964

Tuesday, June 18, 2013 3:00-4:00pm ET
To join the meeting:
Audio: 1-877-267-1577, Meeting ID# 4964

Tuesday, July 2, 2013 3:00-4:00pm ET
To join the meeting:
Audio: 1-877-267-1577, Meeting ID# 4964

There will be time available for Q&A’s at the end of the presentations however; CMS encourages all participants to submit questions in advance to our designated PERM Provider email address at: or, you may also contact State PERM Representatives with any questions and for information about education and training in your state.

Please check the CMS Website and PERM Provider’s page regularly for helpful education materials, FAQs, and updates at .


Contact Information