Department of Human Services WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services

Contact Information

​​​​​​Position Name Phone
Commissioner ​Cynthia E. Beane ​558-1700 ​1451​
​Deputy Commissioner, Finance & Administration Vacant
​558-1700 ​1451
​Deputy Commissioner, Policy Coordination & Operations ​Sarah Young ​558-1700 ​1451​
Deputy Commissioner, Plan Management & Integrity
​558-1700 ​1451
​Legal & Regulatory ​Riley Romeo ​558-1700 ​1542
Whitney Wetzel 
Director of Professional Services Jennifer Myers 558-1700 1776  
Director of Pharmacy Services
Vickie Cunningham
352-4273 1542  
​Office of Drug Rebate ​Gail J. Goodnight ​352-4282 ​4398
​Director of Program Integrity ​Andrew Pack
Nursing Facilities and ICF/IID ​Terry McGee 352-4241 4392​
Director of Take Me Home Transition Program
Brian Holstine
352-4220 4398
Director of Provider Services
Diana Bossie
558-1700 1542
Transportation Richard Ernest 558-1700 4398
Director of Home and Community-Based Services Randall Hill 558-1700 4398
Aged and Disabled Waiver (ADW) Waiver LuAnn Summers 352-4270 4398  
​Children with Serious Emotional Disorders Waiver (CSEDW) Vacant
Intellectual Developmental/Disabilities Waiver (IDDW)
Stacy Broce
​Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Waiver and Personal Care ​Teresa M. McDonough ​558-1700 ​4398
Director of Behavioral Health and Long-Term Care Cynthia A. Parsons 352-4254 4398  
​Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Waiver ​Keith King ​352-4307 ​4398
Director of Managed Care Susan L. Hall 352-4294 4398
Director of Medicaid Eligibility Anita M. Hayes 558-1700 4398
​Chief Financial Officer ​Mandy Carpenter
​558-1700 ​4398
Office of Budget and Accounting Services
Regina McCormick
558-1700 4398
​Director of Procurement Services ​Jimmy Dowden ​352-4286 ​4398
Medical Director Dr. Hyla Harvey
352-4213 1451  
Bunny Harper​
352-4308 4397
HIPAA Security Officer Vacant
558-1700 4398
Website Administrator
Margaret Y. Brown 558-1700 1451