ODCP Bimonthly Newsletter July 2020- ODMAP


DHHR’s ODCP and the Bureaus for Public Health and Behavioral Health have created a system for data and information sharing. The system permits intelligence collected by first responders in the field to direct resources more quickly and efficiently to areas of increased overdose and drug trafficking activity. 

Information regarding overdose events is collected from participating law enforcement and first responder agencies. Those data points are applied to the Overdose Detection and Mapping Application Program (ODMAP). As a result, ODMAP plots the approximate location of the occurrence to establish an area of operation.  Overdose occurrences are charted and compared to historical data to establish spike levels for each area of operation in order to release notifications statewide or to a targeted jurisdiction. The spike alerts provide real time notifications of current overdose activity to active Quick Response Teams (QRTs) who can then seek out referrals and provide a timelier linkage to care.

West Virginia was among the first state to adopt and deploy the ODMAP to law enforcement agencies. Participation has grown with the majority of agencies having been approached or provided informational material regarding ODMAP. 

ODCP in conjunction with the WV State Police, the West Virginia Intelligence Exchange, and the Fusion Center have also developed a program that incorporates the data collected statewide by ODMAP users with historical Emergency Medical Services and emergency department data in an effort to more accurately focus interdiction efforts.

Contact Information

Justin Smith- Justin.D.Smith@wv.gov