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Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
Well@Work WV Physical Activity
Page Content
Physical Activity
During the past 12 months, did your worksite...
48. Provide an exercise facility onsite?
Workplace Fitness Centers
MoveMoreNC- Fitness Room
Staff Fitness Breaks
Workplace Physical Activity Policies
49. Subsidize or discount the cost of onsite or offsite exercise facilities?
CDC-Discount Fitness Network Club
Form A Healthy Community Group
Active Design for YOUR Workplace
50. Provide environmental supports for recreation or physical activity?
CDC-Physical Activity in the Workplace
Organize a Monthly 5K For Fun
Start A Running/Walking Club in YOUR Community
AHA- Workplace Walking Kit
Post signs at elevators, stairwell entrances or exists and other key locations that encourage employees to use the stairs?
ctiveSWV- Physical Activity Posters
AHA- Walking Path Markers
Install music in stairwell
Improve Stairwell Appearance
Provide organized individual or group physical activity programs for employees (other than the use of an exercise facility)?
Solving the Puzzle of Moving More
Make it Fun and Get People Moving
Put Up Bike Racks and Encourage A New Ride to Work
Share the School for Better Health
Take a Hula Hoop Break and Other Inexpensive Physical Activity Breaks
Provide brochures, videos, posters, pamphlets, newsletters, or other written or online information that address the benefits of physical activity?
Healthy Workplaces- Worksite Wellness
CDC-How Much Physical Activity Do Adults Need
Journey Works- Physical Activity Brochures
CDC- Physical Activity Infographic
CDC- Physical Activity Resource Page
Active People, Healthy Nation- At a Glance
Provide a series of educational seminars, workshops, or classes on physical activity?
NIH- Physical Activity Resources
Promoting Prevention through the ACA: Workplace Wellness
Provide or subsidize physical fitness assessments, follow-up counseling, and physical activity recommendations either onsite or through a community exercise facility?
Walk This Way: State and Local Policies
Provide free or subsidized selfmanagement programs for physical activity?
CDC- Recommended Physical Activity Programs
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
350 Capitol Street, Room 514
Charleston, WV 25301-3715
(304) 352-6012
(304) 558-1553
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