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Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
Well@Work WV High Cholesterol
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High Cholesterol
During the past 12 months, did your worksite...
. Provide free or subsidized cholesterol screening (beyond self-report) followed by directed feedback and clinical referral when appropriate?
AHA- How to Get Your Cholesterol Tested
Check, Change, Control Calculator
. Provide brochures, videos, posters, pamphlets, newsletters, or other written or online information that address the risks of high cholesterol?
Common Misconceptions About Cholesterol
Watch, Learn, and Live: Cholesterol
My Cholesterol Guide
Cholesterol Score Explained
. Provide a series of educational seminars, workshops, or classes on preventing and controlling high cholesterol?
How Can I Control My Cholesterol?
. Provide one-on-one or group lifestyle counseling and follow-up monitoring for employees who have high cholesterol?
Check, Change, Control Calculator
. Provide free or subsidized self-management programs for cholesterol or lipid control?
Cholesterol Management
Personal Stories About Cholesterol
Medication Tracker
Cooking to Lower Cholesterol
. Provide health insurance coverage no or low out-of-pocket costs for cholesterol or lipid control medications?
West Virginia Assistance Programs
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
350 Capitol Street, Room 514
Charleston, WV 25301-3715
(304) 352-6012
(304) 558-1553
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