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Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
Well@Work WV High Blood Pressure
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High Blood Pressure
During the past 12 months has your worksite...
. Provide free or subsidized blood pressure screening (beyond selfreport) followed by directed feedback and clinical referral when appropriate?
Check, Control, Change Calculator
Measure, Monitor, Maintain
Self-Measured Blood Pressure Monitoring
AHA- Blood Pressure Log
. Provide brochures, videos, posters, pamphlets, newsletters, or other written or online information that address the risks of high blood pressure?
What is High Blood Pressure?
Measure Up, Pressure Down Fact Sheet
Circulation Nation Roadmap
AHA- Watch, Learn and Live: Blood Pressure
. Provide a series of educational seminars, workshops, or classes on preventing and controlling high blood pressure?
Commit to a Plan
Get Active to Control HBP
. Provide one-on-one or group lifestyle counseling and follow-up monitoring for employees with high blood pressure or pre hypertension?
Workplace Chronic Disease Self-Management
Provide free or subsidized self-management programs for blood pressure control and prevention?
AHA- Online Support Network
AHA- Workplace Walking Program Kit
5 Tips to Manage Your HBP
Self-Management Program Cost Calculator
. Make blood pressure monitoring devices available with instructions for employees to conduct their own self assessments?
My Blood Pressure Wallet Card
Creating a Blood Pressure Monitoring Station
BP Measurement Instructions
. Provide health insurance coverage with no or low out-of-pocket costs for blood pressure control medications?
AHA- Medicine Assistance Programs
AHA- Why is Health Insurance Important?
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
350 Capitol Street, Room 514
Charleston, WV 25301-3715
(304) 352-6012
(304) 558-1553
To view Nondiscrimination Policies and Plans, please
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