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Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
Well@Work WV Diabetes
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During the past 12 months, has your worksite...
. Provide free or subsidized prediabetes and diabetes risk factor assessment (beyond selfreport) and feedback, followed by blood glucose screening and/or clinical referral when appropriate?
CDC- Prediabetes Screening Test
CDC- Diabetes Prevention Program
ADA- Are You at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes?
. Provide brochures, videos, posters, pamphlets, newsletters, or other written or online information that address the risks of diabetes?
CDC- A Snapshot of Diabetes in the US
CDC- Who’s at Risk
. Provide a series of educational seminars, workshops, or classes on preventing and controlling diabetes?
WVU Extension- Diabetes Workshops
Diabetes 24/7 Personal Health Record
CDC- Diabetes Prevention Video
QIN- Diabetes Education Classes in WV
WV Health Connection
. Provide one-on-one or group lifestyle counseling and follow-up monitoring for employees who have abnormal blood glucose levels (prediabetes or diabetes)?
CDC- Diabetes Training Courses
ADA- Blood Glucose Log
ADA- Living with Type 2 Diabetes Program
WV Health Connection
. Provide free or subsidized self-management programs for diabetes control?
WV HPCD- Self-Management Resources
CDC- Implement a Lifestyle Change Program
Diabetes Self-Management Magazine
ADA- Education Recognition Program (ERP)
Find a diabetes program in WV
AADE- Find an Education Program in Your Area
WV Health Connection
. Provide health insurance coverage with no or low out-of- pocket costs for diabetes medications and supplies for diabetes management (glucose test strips, needles, monitoring kits)?
ADA- Health Insurance from an Employer
WV Health Connection
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
350 Capitol Street, Room 514
Charleston, WV 25301-3715
(304) 352-6012
(304) 558-1553
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