Department of Human Services WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services

Medicaid School-Based Health Services

​​The Medicaid School-Based Health Services program includes medically necessary health care services pursuant to an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Plan provided by or through the West Virginia Department of Education or Local Education Agency.  These services must be ordered by a physician or physician extender of the healing arts within the scope of license defined under the West Virginia Code to eligible special education members from age 3 to age 21. For more​ information, Cy​nthia Parsons, Director, at (304) 352-4254​ or​ ​

Please see the School-Based Health Services Policy Manual Chapter 538 for further information.

RMTS and Medicaid Clai​min​g Guide 

West Virginia Department of Education Medicaid Billing Process Memo

Specialized Transportation Billing for school-based health services

School-Based Health Services Training ​Modules

Policy Clarification

Fingerprint Based Background Check Memorandum
Board of Education Speech Clarification Letter