Loan repayment is available in return for a service obligation in a Health Professionals Shortage Area (HPSA) or Medically Underserved Area (MUA). The Recruitment and Retention Community Project (RRCP) will pay for qualified government and commercial educational loans obtained for medical school tuition, reasonable educational expenses required by the medical school or training program, and/or reasonable living expenses. This loan type requires a 50 percent match from the Candidate's employer.
Services must be provided in a HPSA or MUA for a minimum of one year, 40 hours per week at an eligible facility within the state of West Virginia. Upon completion of the initial one-year obligation agreement, an awardee may re-apply to the RRCP for a one-year extension. An awardee may receive a maximum of four one-year extensions. Upon completion of four extensions, awardees are no longer eligible for award under the RRCP.
One-year oblibation awards are provided up to $20,000. Candidates can receive a maximum of $10,000 from state funds and a maximum of $10,000 from their employer.
For additional information about the Recruitment and Retention Community Project, please contact
Susan Giles.