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Division of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
well@work West Virginia Healthy Worksite Initiative
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West Virginians work! Spending so many hours on the job means we should do all we can to keep our worksites healthy. A healthy work environment reduces risks and improves our quality of life.
According to
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), workplace wellness programs
Improve healthy behaviors, increase physical activity and encourage healthy eating;
Improve workers’ health knowledge and skills;
Create a culture of healthier behaviors at work.
The West Virginia Bureau for Public Health
Division of Health Promotion Chronic Disease
is committed to reducing obesity and rates of chronic disease. One of the ways we do this is through the well@work West Virginia Healthy Worksite Initiative. This initiative promotes and encourages healthy behaviors in worksites and communities to reduce obesity and improve health and well-being.
Want to help your employees AND your bottom line? By making small changes in the worksite, like starting a wellness program, employers can reduce healthcare costs for everyone. We invite your worksite to participate in the well@work West Virginia Healthy Worksite Initiative.
About the Initiative
In 2016, using the CDC’s Worksite Health ScoreCard, HPCD launched the
well@work West Virginia Healthy Worksite Initiative
, providing technical assistance for worksites to assess, plan, implement and evaluate their worksite’s wellness. With the ScoreCard’s results and feedback from employers, we identified key resources for action. Using those resources, HPCD developed a centralized webpage for worksites and communities interested in improving wellness.
For more information about the initiative and its development, check out the
well@work West Virginia success story
The well@work WV Healthy Worksite Initiative was supported by funds provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2013 to 2018.
Resources for Action in Worksites and Communities
“Worksite wellness
drives productivity,
saves money
and creates a
healthy workforce.”
The CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard
CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard
is a tool designed to help employers assess whether they have implemented evidence-based health promotion interventions or strategies in their worksites to prevent heart disease, stroke, and related conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and obesity. The Scorecard includes questions on many key best practice strategies and interventions. These are part of a comprehensive approach to addressing the leading conditions that drive health care and productivity costs.
What are the benefits?
Increased access to evidence-based ways to prevent and manage chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease
Improved health and wellness of employees
Increased knowledge of resources to take action and help sustain your wellness program
Getting started
We utilized the
CDC Workplace Health Model
CDC Workplace Resource Center
as additional guidance for implementing effective workplace wellness strategies.
Here’s how to get started in 5 steps:
: gather your wellness committee and familiarize yourself with
CDC Workplace Wellness Resources
Workplace Health Program Definition and Description
: Complete and submit organizational assessment--CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard (HSC)
: Develop a Health Improvement Plan with at least one SMART objective based on CDC HSC results.
: Use the implementation guide below to take action.
Evaluate and celebrate
: Share challenges, opportunities and success.
Resources for Assessing and Planning
CDC Workplace Health Promotion
Workplace Health Program Definition and Description
CDC Health ScoreCard Video Tutorials
(access to YouTube required)
Download the Worksite Health ScoreCard
North Carolina Wellness Committee Workbook
The CDC Worksite HSC Scoring Methodology
CDC Workplace Resource Center
CDC Workplace Resource Center
American Heart Association Healthy Workplace Food & Beverage Toolkit
CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard
includes 122 strategies addressing the conditions and risk factors that cause untimely death and increase health care costs. Using components adopted from the ScoreCard, we compiled a list of resources to help you take action.
Each component is intended for communities and employers who have completed the ScoreCard assessment, developed a plan, and are looking for ways to take action. Click on each component for additional resources.
Organizational Support
Tobacco Control
Lactation Support
Physical Activity
Weight Management
Stress Management
High Blood Pressure
High Cholesterol
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Attack and Stroke
Emergency Response to Heart Attack and Stroke
Occupational Health and Safety
Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
Additional CDC Health ScoreCard Resources
CDC Workplace Health Resource Page
2014 CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard Manual
CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard
CDC Worksite Health ScoreCard Methodology
Additional Implementation Guides
North Carolina’s Work Well NC
Maryland’s Healthiest Business Guide
Creating a Culture of Health
Culture of Health Definition and Elements
“Organizational Support” of the Program Measurement and Evaluation Guide: Core Metrics for Employee Health Management
CDC Culture of Health
Additional Resources
West Virginia Webinar and Materials
Sodium Reduction Resources for Worksites
West Virginia Health Policy Library
Success Stories
WV Strengthens Worksite Wellness One Resource at a Time
Try This WV Worksite Wellness button
WV Health Connection
The WV
Plan to Combat Obesity and Reduce Related Chronic Disease
details the burden, health goals, and proven strategies to reduce obesity and improve health indicators.
Health Promotion and Chronic Disease
350 Capitol Street, Room 514
Charleston, WV 25301-3715
(304) 352-6012
(304) 558-1553
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