Department of Human Services WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services
Department of Human Services
WV Bureau for Medical Services

West Virginia Medicaid, Public Health Emergency and Unwinding the Continuous Eligibility


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government declared a public health emergency (PHE). The Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) was signed into law, allowing for a variety of flexibilities and provisions to help relieve Americans from unexpected or unfavorable impacts experienced through the PHE. One such provision is the continuous enrollment requirement for State Medicaid Agencies (SMA) to help ensure Medicaid members maintained continuous benefit coverage throughout the PHE. As a result, West Virginia Medicaid members have maintained their coverage and can continue to use their benefits as normal. 

On December 23, 2022, Congress approved, and the President signed into law, the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 Omnibus Appropriations bill. This law set the date of April 1, 2023, for the end of Medicaid continuous enrollment. Other PHE flexibilities and provisions implemented will remain in place. This law allows all members who previously failed to complete a renewal during the PHE, or who would have normally been determined ineligible at the time of renewal, to receive a notice to complete a new renewal prior to any negative action being taken on their Medicaid benefit. 

The federal government determines how long the PHE will last and has committed to providing states a 60-day notice prior to the PHE end date. Once that information is made available, BMS will notify our members. This web page provides resources for members, stakeholders, providers, and partners of West Virginia Medicaid plans.

​CMS Reporting

​Member Communications
​Member Resources
​Provider and P​​artner Communications
Renewal Distribution Plan​ 
​Social Media Post: Phase 1
​How to Report a Change
Provider Newsletter
System Re​adiness Artifacts 
Social M​edia Post: Phase 2​​
How to Apply for Medicaid/WVCHIP
​P​rovider Workshops Coming Soon!
Baseline ​U​nwi​nding Data ​
​Social Media ​Post Phase 3
​Update My Address​
​Member Poster Phase 2
Monthly Un​w​inding Dat​a ​New!
​​Member Poster Phase 2
Sample R​enewal Notice Packet
Provid​er Poster Phase 2

​Provider Poster Phase 2
Customer Service​​ Contact Information

General Email Message
​Member Enrollment​ Expectations

​Mem​b​er Call Scripts
​​Renewal Form ​Companion Guide

Email Notification from Path
​​​WV PATH Portal Renewal Guide​

James "Tiger" Morton Catastrophic Illness Commission

​​WV Healt​h Insurance Helpline 

 Frequently Asked Questions can be viewed by clicking here. 

Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment November 1 through ​January 15, 2024
There are other insurance coverage options available for those that don't qualify for Medicaid or the West Virginia Children's Health Insurance Program (WVCHIP)​West Virginia Navigator can provide more information and free enrollment a​ssistance in Marketplace health insurance plans. The program can be contacted at (304) 356-5834 or online at​



Contact Information

For more information, please contact BMS at 304-558-1700.