
West Virginia's Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, WV WORKS, provides monthly cash assistance to eligible families. Most people who receive a monthly WV WORKS benefit also receive SNAP and Medicaid, but these are not guaranteed based just on receipt of WV WORKS.

​To determine eligibility and apply for benefits, visit the WV Path website​ or contact your local DHHR office. Click here for a list of all county offices. 

Educational Opportunities​

Most people who receive a monthly WV WORKS check may also be eligible to receive assistance with educational opportunities, but this assistance is not guaranteed based just on receipt of WV WORKS.

Eligible participants may receive access to educational programs including assessment, vocational training, college, job skills related to employment, and education related to employment.

More information about educational opportunities may be found on the WV Path website​. ​